Behavior Assessments: Used to identify the root causes of challenging behaviors and to evaluate your child’s communication, self care, academic and social skills. 

Treatment Plan: Based on the information gathered  from the above assessments, the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) will select appropriate interventions and design an individualized treatment plan that works for both your child and your schedule. 

Training: The BCBA will train others (e.g., parents, technicians, teachers, etc.) on how to implement the treatment plan.

ABA Therapy Services (Program Implementation): The BCBA and behavior technician (if applicable*) will work directly with your child to implement the prescribed treatment plan. 

Supervision of Services: Therapy supervision via telehealth is tailored to fit the needs of the client and family.

 * The Q does not provide face-to-face behavior technicians (BT). Rather, each family is responsible for finding a local BT. Ask your BCBA for tips on how to choose a good BT.

The Q offers the following services:

Parent Training: The BCBA will meet with you regularly (online) to provide the guidance, training and support necessary to implement the prescribed treatment plan. 

Parenting education is an essential component of telehealth ABA treatments. It can be provided alongside a full ABA program or on its own.