What is Telehealth ABA?

Telehealth ABA allows patients to receive services remotely, making it an ideal way to minimize in-person interactions. Telehealth  facilitate access to ABA services for individuals diagnosed with Autism and provide their families with access to mental health therapy wherever they are located.  

*Telehealth is not suitable for everyone. The supervising BCBA must deem remote behavioral services to be clinically appropriate to meet the specific client needs.

If you answer yes to any of the questions below then telehealth ABA should be considered as a service option for your family*

o  Do you live in a remote area where services are limited or not   available?

o  Would you like to participate in your child’s therapy program, but have limited availability in your schedule?

o  Are you concerned with exposure to Covid19 and are interested in reducing the number of people going into your home?