Common ABA Interventions:


Natural Environment Teaching

Is an intervention that is learner led and focuses more on the motivation of the learner to teach skills and builds in generalization and maintenance of the skill in the teaching process.

Verbal Behavior

Teaches communication and language learning by connecting words with their purpose for example “mand” (asking for something), “tact” (labeling something) “echoic” (echoing words) etc.

Discrete Trial Teaching

Is an intervention strategy characterized by its highly structured, one-on-one teaching environment in which tasks are broken down and taught in small increments.

Behavior Skills Training

Behavioral Skills Training (BST) is a treatment package consisting of multiple treatment components that has been proven to be effective for training a wide variety of skills, simple to complex.

Errorless Learning

It is a way of teaching that prevents a child from making mistakes as he or she is learning a new skill.

Play Based Teaching

A play-based approach involves both child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. It builds on the motivation to play, using play as a context for learning

Social Skills Training

Social skills training are small groups (typically two to six kids) led by an adult who teaches the kids how to interact appropriately with others their age.


Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a unique alternative communication system that encourages communication through the use of pictures.

Prompting and Fading

Prompts are used to increase the likelihood that the learner will provide a desired response. However since we want the learner to engage in the skill independently prompt fading gradually reducing the prompt until the learner is independently able to engage in the skill.


Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is based on understanding of normal toddler learning and development. ESDM focuses on building positive relationships and teaching occurs during natural play and everyday activities. Play is used to encourage interaction and communication. 

Pivotal Response Training

Takes a broader approach by looking at the things that are “pivotal” to the child’s behavior – what motivates their behavior, how they respond (or don’t respond) to social interaction, how they manage (or don’t manage) their own feelings and behaviors.

Early Intensive Behavior Intervention

It is a highly structured approach for teaching children under the age of five. Works on increasing positive and useful behaviors and decrease unwanted behaviors such as tantrums, aggression, and self-injury.